Can’t really forget your Ex – see how
I’ve talked about forgetting your past on my previous post
"LETTING GO OF YOUR PAST LIFE". Your past relationship is also a part of your past you need to let go.
It’s okay to feel terrible after a breakup and I’m assuming
the breakup was because it didn’t work out between you two, or there’s a good
reason you needed to let go, but whichever way it goes, it’s always painful especially
for the one that loves the most, love should be 50:50 for it to work out fine (my
But here’s a list of things to help you get over that
feelings & move on.
1. Letting go – after
a breakup, accept the fact that you won’t see each other again, let go of every
thought and occupy yourself with other relevant things.
2. Lose contact – it’s actually the first thing to do, for
you not to have a reminder. It’s really a bad idea to still have your ex on any
of your social media platforms, block and delete (BD) from all the platforms.
3. Hangout with friends – have a refreshment of mind and
ideas with your many other friends, you can ask them to help you take your mind
off things.
4. Avoid loneliness – you don’t have to lock yourself up in
a room crying and thinking about your ex all day, come on!! There are a lot of
things to do and see, have you thought about your hobby? Career or things you
need to learn and be useful to yourself as a human being. You can watch movies
when less busy, play games, read books/novels, practice a lot of new things. Either
way don’t give room for loneliness.
5. Forgive and Forget – accept the fact that your ex has
moved on for good and you should too, try and be happy instead of hating or regretting.
Let go of every thought, of course you will always remember and get those
flashes of moments spent together, just try not to think and dwell on them,
always wave it off saying “it’s for the best and I’m happy”.
6. Don’t lock yourself up – always give room for new
friends, but avoid getting into a new relationship so fast because it might be disastrous,
as you desperately seek comfort, you might end up in the wrong hands. Just think
about yourself for at least some weeks get yourself refreshed enjoy your single
life before ending up in a relationship again.
7. I’ve always advised my friends to at least hangout with
whomever you want to date for at least a month or more to make sure you are not
too quick to start up with them and regret it at the end.
Don’t forget to always pray. It works.
Letting go is hard, but with good practice you can do it.
Good luck –
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